Aufguss Towel Flaring: Double trouble throw

Aufguss Towel Flaring: Double trouble throw

This is a vertical throw using the upwards momentum from the super 8 and timing it with throwing and catching under the legs - multiple variations exists so play around.

I got mine from Jamming with Gian Lucca in Therme Sindsheim back in 2018.

Tier 1 moves: All you need!
X = swing and helicopter = rotation.
It's the 2 standard moves, everyone can learn them in 20 min. with a little guidance and basically all you need to be a good saunamaster. In terms of waving of course - then there's the rest.

2nd tier moves: Added effect and improved style
Like pizza, super8, snake, angle wings, twirls, curls, flips amongst others. has a really nice way of leveling and scoring different moves and techniques. Give them a like and a watch.

These moves most people can learn with a little practice and patience. The focus is on the purpose and effect of the movement. Which should always be giving heat and distributing scent to the guests. It allows the guest experience to have a visual element to it, which can be very calming, entertaining, or otherwise expressive, depending on how you do it.

3rd tier moves: Personal style and showmanship
Advanced variations and transitions: behind the back, passing arounds (under the legs, behind the back etc) Tail drops. Pirouettes. Advanced twirls, curls, flips. (inverted + multiple towel spins without losing grip, forwards, backwards + combinations) windmills, fishing.
Throws and catches(easy) 2handed to 1hand, 1 hand to 1hand,
You also have 2 towel (100x75cm) beginner moves, double pizza, double super8 amongst others
Big towel (150x100cm) techniques, the same as with a regular towel but requires more strength and body movement and a new adaptation to the size difference. Needed in bigger saunas from 60-80 people and upwards, depending on the floor space.

Requires more practice, patience, coordination and strength. Not everything is applicable in all saunas or cabins. You need to master these before using them in a small space.
Hitting you guests in the face while being a dick with towel, is not acceptable. 😉

4th tier moves: Show off artistic acrobatic shows style
1 or 2 handed throw to 2 handed catch, Big air, backhanded, Throws and catches(advanced), around the sun, around the moon (behind the back vertical rotations) and other variations (due to shoulder flexibility required)
Big towel advanced transitions and variations + 2 towel transitions and variations.

These moves or usually not needed, unless you master the completely and understand the purpose of each movement besides the visual aspect and ego tripping and saunamaster can get trapped in. How ever utilizing one or 2 advances techniques, while completing a round or session, can make for a great effect and allow your guests to feel in the presence of professionalism and showmanship. If you overdo it or fail, you could become a fool or at worse give aufguss a bad reputation.

5th tier moves: Impress!
Throw and catch(Expert) includes big air combined with pirouettes, behind the back and/or backhanded, over the shoulder, around the body/belly and blind catches. Shooting star, meteor shower, (multiple throws on the same rotational axis while doing around the sun)
2 towel throw and catch including advanced variations and transitions like The Sun and the moon.

If you have the space, the scene, the skill, and the energy to perform these moves do it. There’s NOTHING quite like a masterful steam dancing towel flaring performance – in the world.


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