Self Declared King (of newly discovered territory) #cat

Self Declared King (of newly discovered territory) #cat

cat finds new territory, declares himself king
#cat #king #shorts
Tama discovered how to get up the cabinet and he has staked his claim by going up there everyday since... Self Declared King

#blackcat #king #shorts

sai and tama plus wan are rescued cats and they are stuck indoors. they have been the source of constant entertainment for the humans also stuck at home. they hope to entertain the rest of the world too.
this channel is dedicated to... cats (and humans and maybe dogs... and other pets) stuck at home.
so when you're so stressed, so bored, so tired, so blah, or just plain so nothing to do, have a kitty cat break with cats stuck at home.
sai, tama and wan are puspin cats, formerly the pusang kalye variety....
#saiandtama #pluswan #cats #stuckathome #stuckindoors crooked tail cats shenannigans 白猫
cat tama cat shenanigans for entertainment purposes only

catcatsblack cat

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