Informal Sector in Waste Management | 27th August Featured News | Newsletter for UPSC CSE

Informal Sector in Waste Management | 27th August Featured News | Newsletter for UPSC CSE

In developing countries, a huge amount of waste management supply chain is carried out with the help of informal sector. This video discusses the whole mechanism of waste recycling and disposal. Informal workers are at the mercy of the employment hazards and go through a deprived socio-economic condition.

This video could be linked with yesterday's feature news on Solid Waste Management -

Gazette is accessible to every reader for FREE. One can also read Gazette from the Edukemy website after registering.
Gazette- Newsletter for UPSC consists of 7 Segments of Carefully Curated and Balanced Articles from each segment, in accordance with UPSC CSE syllabus.

1) Feature News Article - In depth coverage of a theme
2) News Snapshot- understanding of why a particular topic is in the News
3) Terms and Concepts- Focused on UPSC Prelims Exam
4) Editorial of the day - To build perspective around important themes requiring opinion
5) Case Study- Helps you in answer writing, governance/ethics/culture, etc.
6) Image of the Day
7) This Day in History
While Watching the video-
1) First download the Gazette
2) Highlight the keywords/terms- highlighting will help you build quick notes, memorize and revise

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