US warns against traveling to Germany – What are the consequences? | DW News

US warns against traveling to Germany – What are the consequences? | DW News

Germany has posted yet another record number of Covid-19 cases. For the first time the seven-day average has now reached almost 400 infections per 100,000 people. The worsening situation is having repercussions elsewhere.
The United States has warned its citizens against traveling to Germany - saying even fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk of getting and spreading the virus. The US also elevated its travel warning for Denmark.

While vaccination levels in several European countries remain too low, in most places in Asia, it's the opposite. Governments there have been able to convince their populations that getting vaccinated is the only way out of the pandemic. As Europeans prepare for another deadly winter, countries like Japan, Cambodia and Malaysia are now re-opening.

00:00 Record COVID-19 incidence rate in Germany
00:14 US warns against traveling to Germany
00:31 What are the consequences for Germany?
02:05 How dramatic is Germany's fourth wave?
04:31 Germany debates compulsory vaccination
06:22 Boasting vaccination rate in Asia
08:46 Why is Asia's vaccination drive so successful?


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