The Ocean Cleanup Project is cleaning up the world’s largest pile of ocean trash — here's how. And the latest update for the project in 2021.
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The Ocean Cleanup is a nonprofit organization led by 27-year-old Dutch inventor Boyan Slat. It aims to remove 90% of the plastic floating in the ocean by 2040 by collecting debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is the largest plastic accumulation zone in the world’s oceans located in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California. The Ocean Cleanup developed and tested various prototypes to reach its goal. In July 2021, the team launched a successful prototype called 'System 002- Jenny' (a reference to the movie Forrest Gump). After nine tests, the organization has removed 63,182 pounds of plastic from the ocean. The Ocean Cleanup also plans to offset the carbon emissions from its boats in an effort to reach carbon neutrality. Plastic removed from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch gets recycled into $199 pairs of sunglasses with 100% of the proceeds reportedly funding the continuation of the cleanup.
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