Trump Aides Investigated For Stealing Goodie Bags At G7 Summit

Trump Aides Investigated For Stealing Goodie Bags At G7 Summit

The US State Department is investigating claims that Trump aides stole goodie bags worth thousands of dollars each during the 2020 G7 Summit. The contents of the bags were purchased by the United States, and they were intended to be given to foreign leaders and officials visiting Trump at Camp David. But that's just the beginning of missing items that other officials may have stolen during their time working for Donald Trump. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Apparently the Donald Trump white house was just filled with a bunch of kleptomaniacs. According to new reports, the us state department has launched an investigation into potential theft of tens of thousands of dollars worth of goody bags that the Trump administration had put together for world leaders, uh, as part of a 20, 20 G seven summit, that was supposed to take place at camp. David put all these goodie bags together that contained leather portfolios, pewter trays, marble trinket boxes that were emblazoned with the presidential seal or signatures of Mr. Trump and Mrs. Trump. And a lot of the bags went missing each bag, again, worth several thousand dollars. And according to reports, the state department believes they were stolen by people inside the Trump white house. And of course, these boxes were in fact paid for, with us government money. So tax dollars paid for these wonderful goodie bags, they didn't get to use them.

And so people in the white house just said, screw it, I guess this is mine now. And what's really disturbing about this story is this isn't the first instance where, uh, things went missing during the Trump administration. There was also a $5,000 bottle of Japanese whiskey that was gifted to Mike Palm PEO that disappeared. There was a 22 carat gold chain given to a state department official that also went missing. So again, apparently this white house was just filled with thieves. People who saw something valuable and said, that's mine now. And I find this story so funny, because this is basically the caliber of people that Donald Trump surrounded himself with. And I'm not at all trying to suggest that Trump or any members of the Trump family stole any of this, by the way, like this was the stuff they were giving out to people. And staffers just said, Nope, that's mine. Now you're judged by the company. You keep right. As the old saying goes. And if that's the case, then I think it's pretty safe to assume that everybody inside of this Trump administration was corrupt to the core. Now used to be, we thought it was limited to Trump and his department officials, people like Kellyanne Conway or Mark Meadows and cabinet. But, uh, Nope, apparently that corruption went down to the core of the white house where even the staffers couldn't be

With valuable items because they would apparently allegedly steal them. I think that says a lot about the people that Trump surrounded himself with while he was in the white house.

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