Personal Capital Review 2021: Is It Worth the Hassle?

Personal Capital Review 2021: Is It Worth the Hassle?

Personal Capital is an online wealth management service that's meant to track all your financial accounts in one place. I use it myself, and on my Personal Capital review I'll explain how it works (and sometimes, doesn't work). I'll also go over the major Personal Capital pros and cons ... like, what's with all the phone calls? And we'll discuss this major concern: Is Personal Capital Safe? I'll share why I decided to trust them with my own personal information.

► My Personal Capital Referral Bonus Link:

► My Personal Finance Course (Use Coupon Code YOUTUBE for 50% Off!):

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► 15 Roth IRA Mistakes:
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Table of Contents:
0:00 Personal Capital Review
1:35 What Personal Capital's Sale Could Mean For Users
2:45 How Personal Capital Makes Money
3:48 Getting Started With Personal Capital
4:19 Linking Investment Accounts to Personal Capital
5:10 Linking Bank Accounts to Personal Capital
5:50 Personal Capital Cash
6:43 Adding Manual Accounts to Personal Capital
8:30 Changing the Date Range
8:55 Updating Your Personal Information
9:28 Personal Capital's Referral Program
10:05 Cash Flow and Budgeting in Personal Capital
11:15 Tracking Your Investments in Personal Capital
14:50 Personal Capital Investment Checkup
17:38 Personal Capital Fund Fees Checkup
19:27 Side Note About the Vanguard S&P 500 Index Fund
20:00 Personal Capital Financial Planning
23:07 Is Personal Capital Safe?
24:57 Personal Capital Pros and Cons
27:28 Who Personal Capital Is Good For
28:20 Who Personal Capital Isn't Good For

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