I Can't Stay Silent About This Anymore (How Some Traditional Art Schools Are SERIOUSLY Failing)

I Can't Stay Silent About This Anymore (How Some Traditional Art Schools Are SERIOUSLY Failing)


It's important to note that throughout my rant, I'm not calling out teachers or schools that advocate for "hard work". I'm by far NOT an anti-hard-work artist. I too work very hard and I put everything I have into what I do.

I'm aiming to call out schools or influencers who push the "if you aren't destroying your health for your career then you'll never amount to anything" type of extremist attitude.

Know as well that my aim has been and will always to be unite our artistic community, NOT divide it. I will never stand behind the idea of separating our amazing online art community into a "good teacher/bad teacher" alliance. I don't believe in alliances, they're divisive and overall destructive.

Lastly, I have mentioned a shortlist of schools that I supported, but please don't regard this as an exhaustive list. I was speaking spontaneously and just whipped a few names off the top of my head, but there are MANY unmentioned schools that I completely support publicly and stand behind proudly.

Thank you!


#traditionalartschool #studentburnout #badarteducation #badartinfluencers


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- Managing the emotional ups and downs of being a professional artist
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- common art career mistakes
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just to name a few...


Equipment used to produce this video:

Audio equipment:
- Art Talk mic: Shure SM7B
- Product & Book review mic: RODE NTG5
- Amp: Mixpre 3

Audio/Video Editing Software:
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- Adobe Audition
- Adobe After Effects
- Screenrecording: Techsmith Snagit

Digital Painting Equipment & Software
- Adobe Photoshop
- Cintiq 27QHD

Logo Stings and Effects: Evanto Market
Unique Fonts: Creative Market

problem with art schoolbad art educationbad art influencers

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