बिरुवा तथा जडिबुटीको सामान्य परिचय र उपयोगिता | General introduction and usefulness of plants and herbs
Hello friends I am Raju Regmi welcome to our educational tips youtube channel.
About video :
Today we will discuss various questions and answers related to the general introduction and usefulness of plants and herbs from section 18 related to the post of forest ranger.
Queries solved:
1. General introduction and usefulness of plants and herbs
2. Introduction to plants
3. Scientific name of the plant
4. Variety of herbs
5. The height at which herbs are found
6. How to transmit herbs
7. Seed collection time of herbs
8. Time to keep seeds in the herb nursery
9. Time to keep cutting herbs
10. The part used by herbs
11. Time to collect herbal crops
12. Herbal crop collection period
13. Usefulness of herbs
14. Fifth
15. Pipla
16. Rittha
17. Shorthand
18. Sugandhabal
19. सुगंधकोकाकोला
20. Kurilo
21. Snake odor
Our some other Playlist :
1. लोकसेवा सम्बन्धि जानकारी | information about Loksewa tayari
2. नेपालको भूगोल | Geography of Nepal
3. विश्वको भूगोल | Geography of world's
4. विश्वको इतिहास सम्बन्धि टिप्स | History of the world.
5. नेपालको इतिहास सम्बन्धि टिप्स | History of Nepal.
6. नेपालको सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक अवस्था | Social and cultural condition of Nepal
7. वन रक्षक | forest ranger.
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