Pancreatic cancer is a cancer that's found anywhere in the pancreas.
The pancreas is an organ in the top part of your tummy.
It helps you digest your food and makes hormones, such as insulin.
How serious pancreatic cancer is depends on where it is in the pancreas, how big it is, if it has spread, and your general health.
Pancreatic cancer may not have any symptoms, or it can be hard to spot, so it’s not always easy to diagnose.
The more common symptoms of pancreatic cancer can include:
• Jaundice is yellowing of the eyes and skin. Most people with pancreatic cancer will have jaundice as one of their first symptoms. - you may also have itchy skin, darker pee and paler poo than usual. However its worth noting Pancreatic cancer is not the most common cause of jaundice. Other causes, such as gallstones, hepatitis, and other liver and bile duct diseases, are much more common.
You may also experience
• loss of appetite or losing weight without trying to
• feeling tired or having no energy
• a high temperature, or feeling hot or shivery
Sometimes, the first clue that someone has pancreatic cancer is a blood clot in a large vein, often in the leg. This is called a deep vein thrombosis or DVT. Symptoms can include pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the affected leg.
Also If the cancer blocks the bile duct, bile can build up in the gallbladder, making it larger. Sometimes a doctor can feel this as a large lump under the right side of the ribcage during a physical exam. It can also be seen on imaging tests.
Pancreatic cancer can sometimes enlarge the liver, especially if the cancer has spread there. The doctor might be able to feel the edge of the liver below the right ribcage on an exam, or the large liver might be seen on imaging tests.
Other symptoms can also affect your digestion, such as:
• feeling or being sick
• diarrhoea or constipation, or other changes in your poo
• pain at the top part of your tummy and your back, which may feel worse when you are eating or lying down and better when you lean forward
• symptoms of indigestion, such as feeling bloated
However If you have another condition like irritable bowel syndrome you may get symptoms like these regularly anyway.
So How can you reduce your chances of getting pancreatic cancer?
You cannot always prevent pancreatic cancer. But making healthy changes can lower your chances of getting it.
• try to lose weight if you are overweight
• cut down on how much red and processed meat such as ham, bacon and salami you eat
• try to cut down on alcohol – avoid drinking more than 14 units a week
• try to quit smoking
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And I’m sure you’re going to enjoy this next video on What Are The Early Signs of Liver Disease
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