Virtues of Ayatollah Al-Kursi /After the obligatory prayers / 2021

Virtues of Ayatollah Al-Kursi /After the obligatory prayers / 2021

Virtues of Ayatollah Al-Kursi/After the obligatory prayers / 2021

Allah, there is no god but He, the Living,
Kar Khan is going to keep Alam alive

No, he can't sleep
Nor is the sleep of that which is in the heavens and that which is in the earth

Who can intercede for anyone without his adhan?

He knows what is before them and what is behind them

#hubaib hashir khan 1st channel

And people do not cover any of their affairs except as much as they want

His throne is over the heavens and the earth

#best video
And their protection is not investigative. He is the Greatest

His throne is over the heavens and the earth Who can intercede for anyone without his adhan? Allahthere is no god but Hethe Living

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