To order your customized Nua Auto-Repeat Plan
Please use the link:
https://bit.ly/LIYA10_SP only to avail the discount.
Use code LIYA10 to get an additional 10% off.
To order your customized Nua Cramp Comfort
Please use the link:
https://bit.ly/LIYA10_CC only to avail the discount.
Use code LIYA10 to get an additional 10% off.
Nua is a new-age brand transforming the women’s wellness space, starting with its innovative and toxin-free sanitary pads. Select your assortment of pads, for your heavy, medium, and light flow days.
With the Nua Plan, you can choose how many packs you want to be delivered as per your need - monthly, bi-monthly, or once in three months. The pack will directly show up at your doorstep every month or whatever frequency you choose. Cramp Comfort is a period essential heat-patch which acts as a portable hot water bag which helps tackle period cramps. You can know more about the product on Nua’s website.
#NuaWoman #NuaCrampComfort #NuaSanitaryPads
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