Trump Loving Governor Ron DeSantis Is Now LOSING In Latest Poll

Trump Loving Governor Ron DeSantis Is Now LOSING In Latest Poll

Florida's Republican governor Ron DeSantis is finally starting to face some backlash from his own constituents for allowing the state to die from COVID. In the latest poll, DeSantis is now losing to Democratic challenger, and former Republican governor Charlie Crist. The margin between the two is razor thin, and well within the margin of error, but the poll is more about voters paying attention than it is a potential upset for the incumbent. Farron Cousins discusses this.

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Well folks, it looks like Florida voters are finally starting to pay attention to how horrible our Trump loving governor. Ron DeSantis truly is for this state, according to a poll conducted earlier this week, you know, just two, three days ago, this poll was conducted. The results have been released. And Ron DeSantis is now losing in this poll to his democratic challenger who happens to be former Republican governor.

Charlie Crist, take a moment to celebrate that before I burst your bubble. You good? All right. Here's the thing in this new poll, by

The way, was a sampling of a, what was a 3,900 people, 3,900 people in the state of Florida. That's a big sample size for a single state poll margin of error is only 1.6%. So this is a reliable poll. That's one of the benefits of having a huge sample size 1.6%. It is a trustworthy poll, but Chris is only winning by one point. So Chris has 45% DeSantis has 44% well within the margin fair.

And let's also

Not forget you. The fact that we have 15 months until the election and anything can happen between now and then,


Even with as close as this poll is it is a statistical tie due to the margin of error.

However, it shows

That people are paying attention and that's the big takeaway from this. It's not that, Ooh, we may get a democratic governor who just a couple of years ago was actually a Republican governor who really wasn't all that great, especially on environmental issues. Anyway, what this shows is that people are paying attention. What this shows me is that all of these segments talking about Ron DeSantis, trying to keep this story alive about how horrible he has been on COVID about his ridiculous pandering through oppressive legislation, restricting voting rights here in the straight, the transgender athlete ban, uh, the, a, a protest bill that allows people to legally run over protesters. If they're standing in the street, all of that is not

Helping Ron. And that's a good thing. Have to keep it up for 15 months. I don't know that that can happen

Because I would like to think that one way or another, we're not still going to be in the middle of a pandemic

15 months from now. And regardless

Of who is responsible for ending the pandemic, if it ends while DeSantis is still governor, and I hope it does, I truly hope it does. You know, I'm not partisanship aside here. I hope the pandemic ends. I would love to wake up tomorrow and have the pandemic over. No more deaths, no more sickness, no more illness, no more nothing.

But if it ends while

DeSantis is still, the voters here are gonna,

They're gonna forget like that. And

That's the big problem. You know, they're not going to remember how incompetent he was once it has all ended.

I still want

It to end. I want it to end, like I said today, tomorrow as soon as freaking possible. But I also want these voters to remember what happened when their state was in need. Where was Ron DeSantis?


Was hanging out in salt lake city with a bunch of wealthy donors from the American legislative exchange council. He was screwing off, over in Texas trying to make a spectacle of the border crisis that doesn't actually exist. It only exists when Republicans need a political talking point. He was traveling all over the place everywhere, but dealing with the crisis here in his home state, when COVID hospitalizations,


Again peaked over 10,000 this week, he was threatening to pull funding from school districts. If they implemented mask

Mandates, as children were being moved

From regular hospital rooms to intensive care units

Because of COVID infections, he was threatening anyone who said, you have to wear a mask. That's what the voters have

To remember. And right now they're paying attention and they're paying attention, obviously, because they're scared because of COVID because it is a crisis. But when the crisis ends, you can't just forget about what happened. You have to carry it with you kind of like what the January 6th insurrection.

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