“Have some people lost their way? Yes. Are others filled with a vision for the future? Absolutely. I think we’ve got 12 people or more that would like to be president, that are thinking of running in 2024. If President Trump continues in his campaign, I’m not sure anyone of them can make it through and beat him. I think he’s got such a strong base of 30 or 40 percent of the Republican voters, maybe more. It’s going to be hard to knock him off as our nominee. If he became our nominee, I think he loses again … I voted to remove him from office twice … It’s not just because he loses … but it’s also he’s simply not a person who I want to have the reins of the government of the United States … I hope that we find someone in my party who has those qualities to lead America to a better future.” - Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah)