The first 1,000 people to use my link to sign up will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare: https://skl.sh/lanablakely10221
Oct 26 - Nov 04: GIVEAWAY
I'm super excited to announce that I'll be giving away a 1 year free Skillshare subscription to one of you!
Here's how you participate:
1. Sign up to Skillshare using my link: https://skl.sh/lanablakely10221
2. Take my Memoir Journalling class from beginning to end (watching each lesson from start to finish is a requirement).
3. Create a class project. You can either share one of your journalling entries or multiple; but you need to share at least one! This can be either sight, sound, touch, taste or smell.
This is not a writing competition - I won't be judging your grammar or anything like that. Simply write what feels genuine and fun to you. For some of you, that might be writing a page long entry, for others it might be writing two sentences. It's up to you!
4. I'll pick a winner on November 4th.
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - I. The soulmate myth
02:00 - Giveaway + Skillshare
03:28 - Destiny vs growth mindset
05:45 - What does it matter what we believe?
06:39 - II. Love is a choice
00:00 - VI. Ending
Articles mentioned:
If you like my work, make sure to:
✉️ Sign up to the weekly Monday Ro newsletter here — https://www.lanablakely.com
🎙️ Listen to The Lana Blakely Podcast, out every Tuesday — https://geni.us/lanablakelypod
🤎 Help support here (if you can) — https://www.patreon.com/lanablakely
📷 Join our Instagram community — https://www.instagram.com/lanablakely
🐦 Join our twitter community — https://www.twitter.com/lanablakelys
📘 Join our Facebook community — https://www.facebook.com/lanablakelys
🔺 Join our Reddit community — https://www.reddit.com/r/Lana_Blakely
What I use to make my videos:
🎼 This is where I get all my music and sound effects — https://geni.us/lanablakelymusic (get a 30 day free trial)
🎥 My main camera — https://geni.us/W0w8
📹 My vlog camera — https://geni.us/hMqRA7
🔎 My favorite lens — https://geni.us/FcKaF
🎙️ My mic #1 — https://geni.us/cCdW
🎤 My mic #2 — https://geni.us/FPPOFx
For the full list, go here — https://www.lanablakely.com/filmmaking
What I use for my daily journaling:
📓 Notebook — https://geni.us/HyHhy3
🖋️ Pen — https://geni.us/W6pF3NA
🔦 What I read on — https://geni.us/FPDsCw
📕 My favorite book — https://geni.us/BPcp
For my complete book recommendation list, go here — https://www.lanablakely.com/bookclub
👩💼 Business mail only —hello@lanablakely.com
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