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VIDEO INTRODUCTION: On 29th September 2022, the German govt announced a mega subsidy of 200 Billion dollars to subsidise the cost of energy for both households and businesses!! and as soon as this announcement was made it sent shock waves all across the European union!!! and the reason why this is a big big deal is that this 200 Billion dollar subsidy will directly destroy the economies of 26 countries in the European union and give Russia a clear advantage in choking Europe completely!!! and if they don't give out this subsidy, it could cripple the german economy and cause an energy crisis in Germany!! This means its a do or die situation for Germany!!!
This is why this subsidy rollout is very critical not just for Germany but also for 26 other countries in the Union and the Russian power!!
The question is, How is it even possible that a German subsidy can ruin the European economies?
How is Germany directly helping Russia because of these subsidies?
and most importantly, how will this German move affect the ongoing economic war between Europe and Russia?
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✅Study Materials: https://seekingalpha.com/article/4544379-germanys-200-billion-euro-energy-subsidy-risks-destabilizing-the-eu
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