Stern tying is a very useful technique to master. In many parts of the world, due to depth or restricted swinging room, it's the only option. Where we are at the moment in Turkey it's the most common way to anchor.
This video will look at the basic techniques used to stern tie effectively as well as give lots of tips to make everything go smoothly. We also go through what gear to use and what to avoid.
If you haven't already watched part 1 of Anchoring 101 you may wish to see that too. There's lots of tips in the video and an in depth look at anchor chains. See it here...
And we all love a debate on which is the best anchor! So you can see that here....
The stern lines we use in this video are made by Ultra Marine and are called 'Ultraline'. They make a floating Dyneema version and a Polyester version that doesn't float. If you're interested in getting one have a look at the website here...https://www.ultramarine-anchors.com/
There is a chatbox that opens up on the Ultramarine site that has real people with real knowledge to help you! So you can ask any questions there easily.