Random Things That You NEVER Knew Had Names | English Vocabulary | Commonly Mispronounced | Shorts

Random Things That You NEVER Knew Had Names | English Vocabulary | Commonly Mispronounced | Shorts

Hi There!

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Topics mentioned:
A) Random Everyday Things
B) Random Everyday Things That You Never Knew Had names
C) English Vocabulary
D) Most Mispronounced Words in English
E) Name these things
F) I bet you don't know name of these common things
G) Random Things and Their English Names
H) Learn English in Hindi

Thank you for reading.

#thingsyouneverknewhadnames #commonlymispronouncedenglish #shorts #learnenglish #shubhampathak #magicpill

commonly mispornounced names in englishcommonly mispronounced words in englishlearn english in hindi

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