Social-Emotional Skills that Enable Early Academic Success - School Readiness Webinar 2

Social-Emotional Skills that Enable Early Academic Success - School Readiness Webinar 2

*A portion of this video is intentionally blurred for 90 seconds at the 43 minute mark*

This session focuses on assessment and teaching of 15 social-emotional skills demonstrated to facilitate social and academic engagement and learning of young children. The featured assessments are based on the Social Skill Improvement System (SSIS). The screening assessment, the SSIS Social-Emotional Learning Brief Scales (SSIS-SEL Brief Scales) can be completed by teachers and parents in five minutes and provides an overall social-emotional competency level, providing an emerging, developing, competent, and advanced score, with details that link directly to an instructional program, the SSIS SEL Preschool Instructional Program (SSIS SEL PIP). In this program, teachers can use a powerful Tell-Show-Do-Practice-Progress Monitor instructional method and monitor children’s progress using the SSIS SEL Screening/Progress Monitoring Scales to refine instruction and communicate with others about student learning.

School readiness is determined by so much more than a child’s birth date. Their social-emotional and language skills, understanding of basic relational concepts, and the development and integration of their sensory and motor systems all play a crucial part in determining whether they're adequately prepared. Join experts Melinda Cooper; Ann Boehm, PhD; Wayne Secord, PhD; Patricia Ybarra; Nancy Castilleja; and Stephen N. Elliott, PhD for this four-part webinar series covering the importance and measurement of these skills.

Explore SSIS:

Presenter: Dr. Stephen Elliott, PhD

Date: May 10, 2022

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