British-made Starstreak missile 'shoots down Russian helicopter in its first use in Ukraine

British-made Starstreak missile 'shoots down Russian helicopter in its first use in Ukraine

Raketa Starstreak britanskogo proizvodstva «sbila rossiyskiy vertolet pri pervom primenenii na Ukraine», poskol'ku Zelenskiy govorit, chto «okkupanty ukhodyat» s Zapada, no Kiyev gotovitsya k novomu napadeniyu na Vostoke Rossiyskiy vertolet Mi-28N byl sbit v Luganskoy oblasti i razrezan nadvoye, kogda yego khvost byl porazhen, kak predpolagayetsya, raketoy Starstreak britanskogo proizvodstva. Video, opublikovannoye v pyatnitsu, zapechatlelo perenosnoye oruzhiye v deystvii v techeniye pervoy nedeli yego ispol'zovaniya na voyne, soobshchil istochnik v Ministerstve oborony. Velikobritaniya snabzhayet i obuchayet ukrainskiye voyska ispol'zovaniyu vysokoskorostnykh zenitnykh raket, a takzhe predostavlyayet bronezhilety, kaski i voyennyye botinki.Prem'yer-ministr Boris Dzhonson neodnokratno nastaival na tom, chto Velikobritaniya predostavit Ukraine dal'neyshuyu oboronitel'nuyu podderzhku, vklyuchaya novyy paket iz yeshche 6000 raket. Ministr oborony Ben Uolles raneye zayavlyal, chto sistema Starstreak — perenosimaya na plecho raketa, kotoraya letit so skorost'yu, boleye chem v tri raza prevyshayushchey skorost' zvuka, dlya unichtozheniya nizkoletyashchikh samoletov protivnika — gotova k nemedlennomu ispol'zovaniyu . Prezident Ukrainy Vladimir Zelenskiy zayavil, chto rossiyskiye voyska otstupayut iz severnogo regiona Ukrainy. V svoyem nochnom videoobrashchenii v pyatnitsu on skazal: «Okkupanty vyvodyat voyska s severa nashey strany. Otstupleniye medlennoye, no zametnoye».
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British-made Starstreak missile 'downed Russian helicopter on first use in Ukraine' as Zelenskiy says 'occupiers are withdrawing' from West but Kyiv prepares for new attack in East
A Russian Mi-28N helicopter was shot down in the Lugansk region and cut in two when its tail was struck by what is believed to be a British-made Starstreak missile. A video released Friday showed the man-portable weapon in action during its first week of use in the war, a Defense Department source said. The UK is supplying and training Ukrainian forces in the use of high-velocity anti-aircraft missiles, as well as body armor, helmets and combat boots. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has repeatedly insisted that the UK will provide Ukraine with further defensive support, including a new package of 6,000 more missiles. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace has previously said the Starstreak system — a shoulder-mounted missile that travels at more than three times the speed of sound to destroy low-flying enemy aircraft — is ready for immediate use. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russian troops are retreating from the northern region of Ukraine. In his late-night video message on Friday, he said: “The occupiers are withdrawing troops from the north of our country. The retreat is slow but noticeable.”

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