Very detailed expenses for 2021 plus 2 shocking/embarrassing expenditures.

Very detailed expenses for 2021 plus 2 shocking/embarrassing expenditures.

Okay fellow Mexico enthusiasts. I am laying it all out there and really drilling down to the very last peso here. My total expenses for 2021 came as a bit of a surprise to me. Watch till the end for my giant mishap expenditures and the final net income number. I hope this is helpful to you. I'm a bit embarrassed but oh well. I learned a lot and I hope you benefit from it. I still live in the United States and I run my Air BNB in Mérida from home. When I finally do move to Mérida I will take on the property management part of things more. But, no complaints. I am fortunate to be able to pull this off and achieve my five year plan. (3 years 7 months to go..). Thank you all for watching and for your support.


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