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hellooo!! I'm back with another productivity tips / study motivation video! In this video I go over some tips for sticking to your goals/wishes/resolutions during the year and actually changing your life in a year! I hope you enjoy this video and find it helpful, and just keep in mind that this is 100% based on my own experiences (this topic is extremely vague so everyone's different and these tips may not apply to you).
links to items shown in video:
Paperlike screen protector link: https://paperlike.com/study2successs
code: study2successs
iPad case (pastel blue): https://amzn.to/2LYJWAx
apple pencil sleeve (gradient): https://amzn.to/394ZoUE
Pressed flower phone case: https://amzn.to/3k1mi3n
Macbook cover: https://amzn.to/3st3vBZ
social media:
instagrams: @studytosuccess and @estellastudies
tik tok: studytosuccess
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/studytosuccesss?si=K5LVzF6-Qou12AMHVUphIw&dl_branch=1
I get a small commission from amazon, knewkey, and paperlike at no cost to you (they're affiliate links), so thanks for your support!
About me:
If you're new, hi, my name's Estella! I'm a college student studying communications & psychology and I post weekly videos! I make stationery and study tips videos based on my own experiences in college, high school, etc. If you ever have any video suggestions or questions leave them in the comments!
Like my supplies? Check out my shop: www.amazon.com/shop/studytosuccess
This video is sponsored by Idenati!