Hello and Sat Shri Akal our beautiful family,
Did you know we have a book being released worldwide? Click the link below to Pre-Order now: https://linktr.ee/TheModernSinghs
Both Abbey and Mini Singh are doing well, we are just making this video to quickly update you all as we have been receiving a few messages. We are so sorry in the previous video we said that we have some pre-edited videos going live but we have removed them. We will be back soon, until this take care and lots of love family.
Thank you so much for watching our videos and continuing to support our channel. You will never know how much it means to us. We are forever grateful for the love we receive each day from you all, and just know we love you all just as much!
Remember to like this video if you enjoyed it and subscribe to our channel. (as Abbey would say)
The Modern Singhs
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