6 week old Aussie Shepherd X Husky Puppies meet 8 week old puppies for the first time

6 week old Aussie Shepherd X Husky Puppies meet 8 week old puppies for the first time

Today the 7 x 6 week old Aussie Shepherd X Husky puppies met the two litters here already at the farm. The Staffy litter of 7 and the Cattle Dog X litter of 9. There were puppies everywhere!

The Aussie Shepherd puppies were shy initially, but it didn’t take long for them to begin to play and enjoy the company of the Staffy and Cattle Dog X puppies.

They were having a great time!

23 puppies under 8 weeks old, goodness me it’s all hands on deck now 7 days a week, to get these little ones ready for the world. Whilst there’s a lot of work to do, we can’t help but have a moment where we all just smile and think we might just be in puppy heaven 🥰

Prepare for puppy spam … like a lot 🤣


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Aussie ShepherdAussie shepherd puppyAussie Shepherd puppies

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