Check out http://www.ritual.com/CC10 and use code CC10 for 10% off your first 3 months of Ritual! #RitualPartner
Cole's exact shower chair: https://www.nuprodx.com/product/mc6000tilt/
This is an Official Cole & Charisma Video Of: Our New Morning Routine | C5 C6 Quadriplegic
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Cole's Instagram: https://instagram.com/roll.with.cole/
Charisma's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/happilycharisma
Our TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@roll.with.cole
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PO Box:
Cole & Charisma
PO Box 28616
Henrico, VA 23228
Watch more Cole & Charisma:
Adventure Vlogs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYMBzgoESp7I-laLZaBvHMkz_3xdin9ap&playnext=1
Travel Vlogs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYMBzgoESp7ITHCg_0r655WVdIThj4-A3&playnext=1
How-To/Educational: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYMBzgoESp7LrmREHGijjCGmCsT7gN-uK&playnext=1
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About Cole & Charisma:
Welcome to the official Roll with Cole & Charisma YouTube channel! Since the start of our relationship we've gotten a lot of questions about our experiences as not only an interracial couple, but an interabled one as well. On this channel you can catch us doing travel and adventure vlogs, challenges, our inclusion series, couple first times, music, and so much more! We started this vlog to bring people into our lives, to answer some questions about how we navigate the world, and hopefully raise awareness surrounding accessibility and dating in a wheelchair. You'll quickly see in our episodes that we're all about inclusion and keeping a great attitude no matter your circumstances, so if that's what you're into, you're in the right place!