Title: Tom Holland and Zendaya were advised not to date by Spider-Man producer Amy Pascal
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Description: Producer Amy Pascal is speaking up about Zendaya and Tom Holland romance and claims she did all she could to stop them didn’t each other but she was ignored according to The New York Times.
'I took Tom and Zendaya aside, separately, when we first cast them and gave them a lecture,' Pascal said of the two being cast for Spider man for the first time.
'Don’t go there — just don’t. Try not to.'
Clearly her advice was ignored but this isn’t the first time her words of wisdom when it comes to love have fallen on deaf ears. Speaking of Andrew Garfield who played spiderman and Emma Stone’s relationship, the producer claims;
'I gave the same advice to Andrew and Emma. It can just complicate things, you know? And they all ignored me.'
Andrew and Emma were rumoured to have started dating in 2011 after meeting on the set of 2012 Spiderman film called The Amazing Spider-Man. However their romance was short lived with the two thought to have broken up by 2015. Tobey Maguire who also played spiderman was also thought to have dating Kirsten Dunst in the first movie but had broken up by the second movie.
Holland and Zendaya’s relationship however is different and while initially they kept their romance private, they have been pretty public about their romance recently, openly flirting and gushing over each other in various different interviews and red carpet events.
To think, if Amy Pascal’s advice was followed and this didn’t happen would have been a shame.