3 Reasons to Perform Roth Conversions in 2021, 2022, and Beyond

3 Reasons to Perform Roth Conversions in 2021, 2022, and Beyond

Do you have a tax-efficient retirement income strategy that your after-tax wealth? You can schedule an appointment with one of our Retirement Experts to look at your situation and help you plan for your future. Call us at (920) 544-0576 or go to https://www.safeguardinvest.com/contact.

Roth conversions are one of the most powerful tax strategies available to retirees right now. That is if you know how to maximize this strategy.

Right now, we are seeing a lot of information in the media regarding conversions. However, this also means we are seeing a lot of misinformation around conversions as well.

In our practice, there are three core reasons we believe you should perform Roth Conversions when they make sense for your situation.

#1: Avoid Tax Hurdles

We discuss quite a few in this video:
✅ The Social Security Tax Torpedo
✅ Minimize RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions)
✅ Avoid income related monthly adjustment amount (IRMAA)
✅ Avoid the Capital Gain Bump Zone
✅ and more...

#2: Ensure Other Retirement Accounts are more Valuable

Most assets you have will benefit from having less taxable income. Social Security can turn in a tax-free asset! Rental Income can fill up low and insignificant tax brackets.

Unrealized gains in your brokerage account can be realized at a 0% rate.

Roth conversions, if done properly can transform your retirement tax situation.

#3: Defend Against Future Tax Hikes

Most retirees that I speak with are concerned about future tax hikes. And understandably. The national debt may indirectly be one of the biggest wealth destroyers in the future.

Learn how to defend against future tax hikes with Roth Converisons in this training.

#RothConversions #RetirementIncomePlanning #TaxStrategies

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Always remember, "You Don't Need More Money; You Need a Better Plan"

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📚 The New 60/40: How the Next Generation of Retirees Can Achieve Radical Financial Freedom through Better Safe Investing - https://www.amazon.com/New-60-Generation-Financial-Investing/dp/B08H6TCMFN

Safeguard Wealth Management is a Registered Investment Advisor in the State of WI. Safeguard Wealth Management is not an insurance provider. All content on Youtube is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as personal advice for your situation. You can read more disclosures at https://www.safeguardinvest.com/fiduciary

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