"More than fifty years ago, in 1963, Allahabad High Court Judge Justice AN Mulla had made an observation on Police. That statement has come to be known as the most critical observation of the state of the police force in the country. The observation made by Justice AN Mulla was: ""there is not, a single lawless group in the whole of the country whose record of crime comes anywhere near the record of that organised unit which is known as the Indian Police Force.""
There is also a statement that goes a step ahead and possibly calls out UP Polic for what it is: The police force in Uttar Pradesh is an organised gang of criminals. What happened in the case of 22-year-old Altaf from Kasganj is an unfortunate tale adding to the list of crimes and coverup by UP Police. Yesterday we spoke about How Kasganj police gave a logic, science and physics-defying excuse for the death of Altaf. Today, the police have begun to act according to the playbook usually similar in such cases i.e. they have started covering up the story.
We will talk about this in today's video.
#Altaf #AllahabadHighCourt #ANMulla #UPPolice #Kasganj #YogiAdityanath
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