Sellers Beware Out There. Things are not what they always seem. No Pain. No Gain.
These Letters are real and they are also on Telephone and Hydro Poles...That's whose Buying your Most Expensive Asset in your Life??
Get a Second Opinion on your Market Value and Consult a Realtor. Call Me. It's Free.
They want to Buy your Home for way under Market Value, at a Deep Discount. They also want to do a thorough Home Inspection to further Lower the Price.
They are Middle Men and they Flip your Home. Sometimes without doing any renovations.
Hire a Realtor. Put it on the Market for More Eyes to See.
It Costs you Money to be Lazy and wanting the Quick Sale. The Quick Fix.
No Pain. No Gain.
#becareful #usearealtor #yougetwhatyoupayfor #nothingiseasy
#consultarealtor #larrypaletta #buyyourhomeforcash