The Paradox of Religious Slavery In Today' Churches : What Is The Way Forward?

The Paradox of Religious Slavery In Today' Churches : What Is The Way Forward?

Slavery is a historical reality of most societies in Africa. In the last 30years in the history of the Church, there has been an outcry on the resurgence of slavery with modern trends that include religious slavery which has become the fad of many clergies, who utilize their privileged positions, capitalizing on the gullibility and desperation of members to exploit them in the bourgeoisie/proletariat form of relationship. Most people who have attended churches at one point will have some gruesome stories to tell. People are used to grow personal businesses called church. How was it with the Apostles of Jesus Christ? I have 4 guest who are Pastors to dissent this menace and take us to the solution through the Power of the Word and Spirit of God. Be ready to tell your story to help people coming behind.
Join us 14/11/2021, 4pm Nigeria Time. Invite all.

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