Children have a right to education – this was adopted by the UN General Assembly with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on November 20th 1989. To date, almost all the countries in the world have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since then, November 20th has been International Children’s Rights Day.
CONCERT VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbLRKdMaB8k
DONATE HERE: https://engel-fuer-kinder.de/en/legends-for-children-remote-charity-concert/
Musicians Involved: https://engel-fuer-kinder.de/en/musicians/
With the remote benefit concert “Legends for Children”, the musicians and the foundation want to draw attention to the need for aid and protection of children all over the world. The concert is also an appeal for donations for the Angels for Children Foundation. Since 2003, the foundation has been working to provide better education for children in Laos. The aim is to support the pupils in their school, personal and professional education. A continuous system, from pre-school through primary and secondary school to vocational training, enables the pupils to have good educational and better developmental opportunities.
The guiding principle of this commitment comes from the founder of the foundation, Ingrid Engel:
"All children – no matter where they were born – should have the same opportunities. With our family foundation “Angels for Children” we want to help children in Laos to achieve that goal."
In 2021, 33 international musicians joined to this cause. As a virtual Legends for Children orchestra, they played the ballad “Believe in you” to draw attention to the educational work of the Angels for Children Foundation.
I'm proud of this incredible project and I hope you can join me in helping this wonderful cause!
#theflutechannel #angelsforchildren #legendsforchildren
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