Subtotals are calculated with a summary function. More than one type of summary function for each column can be displayed.
Grand totals are derived from detail data, not from the values in the subtotals.
If data that contains subtotals is filtered, subtotals may appear hidden. To display them again, clear all filters
Make sure that each column in a range of data for which you want to calculate subtotals has a label in the first row, contains similar facts in each column, and that the range does not include any blank rows or columns.
Data can be grouped and summarize, Up to eight levels of outline can be created. Each inner level, represented by a higher number in the outline symbols,
Use an outline to quickly display summary rows or columns, or to reveal the detail data for each group.
The Subtotal feature requires values be grouped. This means that data must be grouped before applying Subtotal feature
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#Outline #Group #Subtotal