70+ years old 4 brothers grandpa cook today different style beef-veg curry for old age & physically challenged special people of village community.
Today grandpa cook cauliflower & cow meat mixed curry and it was really delicious.
Grandpa bought two big legs pieces of cow.
Then they cutting the legs pieces into small small pieces beef meat and then they cutting all the cauliflower as well.
Then grandpa added some spice ingredient with cauliflower and fry them in oil pot.
Then they added al types curry ingredient in pot and added beef and at last adding fried cauliflower.
We have added all the ingredient name with the video as English subtitle.
After finish cooking 4 brothers grandpa eating together with lots of fun.
Then they make packet of food with rice & beef-veg curry.
Then they visit all of those unfortunate people house and give them precious food packet.
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