The B2.1 test tank was prepared for testing, construction on the Wide Bay continued, and Ship 22's common dome section was spotted outside.
Video and Pictures from Mary (@BocaChicaGal) and Nic (@NicAnsuini). Edited by Jack (@theJackBeyer).
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L2 Boca Chica (more clips and photos) from BC's very early days to today.
(Join L2 and support NSF here: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/l2/)
0:00 - Sunrise
0:30 - Crews Prepare the B2.1 Tank for Testing
2:52 - Wide Bay Construction
7:14 - I-Beam for Wide Bay Delivered
7:25 - Staircase Sections Under Construction
7:51 - Ship 22 Common Dome Section
8:24 - Thermal Blanketing Applied to Ship 22 Mid-LOX Section
9:06 - Orbital Launch Site
9:29 - The Orbital Launch Tower
9:52 - Chopsticks
10:01 - Crews Working on the Tower
10:38 - Chopstick Linear Actuators
10:58 - Welders on the Orbital Launch Mount
11:19 - Orbital Launch Mount Pluming Panels
11:27 - Frankencrane Disassembly
12:26 - Booster 4
13:10 - Worker Cleaning the LR 11000 Crane
13:40 - Orbital Tank Farm
14:00 - SpaceX LR 11000 Crane Waiting to be Assembled