Zombie Virus Explored in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse | How Infection Affects Mammals

Zombie Virus Explored in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse | How Infection Affects Mammals

In the movie "Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse" we see that despite the infection taking root deeply within the brains of those it has afflicted, some human traits still remain. Accompanying this, The virus is also capable of jumping the species barrier and affecting other mammals within the area. So in todays episode, we will discuss how this virus formed, how it took hold of a towns population and ultimately would jump to our furry friends who could in turn, spread it to others!

Thank you for watching Roanoke Gaming and I hope you enjoy Zombie Virus Explored in Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse | How Infection Affects Mammals

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Is it possible to shill for your own content? Society say no, but 69slayerbuddy69 says yes!: 00:00
What are we doing with our lives and where are we going?: 1:01
Scouts: the other OTHER last line of defense, thats actually a real thing: 1:21
The cat scene makes me lol, still would pet the cats and get infected - 13/10: 11:50
So! What sort of virus are we dealing with? And no, Its not rabies, its just rabies-lite: 11:56
Enjoy the video before the reupload hits in 12 minutes! thanks for watching!: 29:57

scouts guide to the zombie apocalypseScouts guide moviescouts zombie apocalypse

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