General Credits
Executive Producer: Guillermo Maldonado
General Supervisor: Ronald Maldonado
Music Producers: Manny Vargas, Lubbi Daniel Colina
Post-Production and Audio Editing: Lubbi Daniel Colina, Manny Vargas, Jorge Fajardo, James Orjuela
Sound Design: Jorge Fajardo, Manny Vargas, Lubbi Daniel Colina
Album Cover Design: Alvaro Flores
Recording Engineers: Pablo Sciola, Lubbi Daniel Colina
Mixing Engineer: Andre Aquino
Mastering Engineer: Andre Aquino
King Jesus Creative
Xiomara Zamora
Melina Hechavarria
Jessica Glenn
Jonathan Glenn
Manuel Vargas
Jorge Fajardo
As worshippers, we are vessels that allow God to invade our world and life through the Holy Spirit which creates a passion for Him. Our humanity gives room for Him to reveal himself through worship and become like Jesus Christ and be the light of the world. He is our pursuit, His presence is our ultimate desire.
Como adoradores, somos vasos que permitimos a Dios invadir nuestro mundo y vida a través del Espíritu Santo, creando una pasión por Él. Nuestra humanidad cede para que Él se revele a través de la adoración y convertirnos como Jesucristo y ser la luz del mundo. Él es nuestro objetivo, Su presencia es nuestro mayor deseo.
Follow us on Social Media / Siguenos en las Redes Sociales
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/newwinemusic/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officialnewwinemusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/officialnewwine
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@newwinemusic?lang=en
#NewWine #AwakenUs #Acoustic