The deeper you explore your own mind, the easier it becomes to express those kinesthetic mental images/mental auditory sounds outward to be physically seen. To make seeming hard things far easier than what external senses say. Your physical senses only experience. The deeper and deeper and deeper you move toward those inner gamma brain wave states, the easier it is to access instant subconscious information, such as through a dream, physically picking up others' subtle body language energetically (even on the other side of the planet physically), etc. If those who think that the essence in people have nothing to do with influencing the universe around them, that's kind of silly. I bless those anyway on their unique journeys. When you look into someone's eyes deeply with loving discernment (even in imagination when physically separate), a loving correspondence awakens within that person, and that person is made of similar substance as the universe. You can access this power within you even right after you read this message. It's at your disposal. The silent voice within you, though overlooked, has massive power. Use it wisely, as it does have consequences if used violently, for everything external spherically and relatively mirrors what's going on in the collective inner mental patterns of the mind. We are all one with the Universal Mind, for there is no other. All is entangled on a quantum/spiritual level.
My book: