Powerful Release Points with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse - Intuitive Astrology

Powerful Release Points with the Taurus Lunar Eclipse - Intuitive Astrology

A deeper look at the energetic healing themes of the Taurus Lunar Eclipse at 27 degrees on November 19, which begins on November 4 with the Scorpio New Moon. It is a powerful time for unraveling your energy from any areas of life, relationships, or within yourself where you have assumed too much responsibility, or unconsciously enmeshed yourself in a way that is no longer of service to you now. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse connects with the Pleiadean constellation of over 800 stars, activating more of our own light frequencies and our ability to hold higher rays of light. Yet there needs to be space available for receiving these energies, and you may already know what is holding you down, or holding you back, from moving forward. Much more to share in this podcast episode.

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~~~ 2022 Soul Growth Astrology Webinars ~ The major astrology of 2022 and how the energies will show up in your natal chart, including the 4 Mercury retrogrades, Venus retrograde, Mars retrograde, and the 4 eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio. Use code 2022 to get it for only $25 USD for a limited time. Check it out: https://www.mollymccord.online/2022-astrology

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Intuitive AstrologySpiritual AwakeningSpiritual Astrology

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