NARSOL in Action: NARSOL Launches New Legal Action Project

NARSOL in Action: NARSOL Launches New Legal Action Project

You may already know Paul Dubbeling. But, if you don’t, this is your opportunity to meet a dynamic attorney, now on retainer with NARSOL, who will be leading NARSOL's reinvigorated Scarlet Legal Action Project (SLAP).

Paul is a former U.S. Army ranger and infantry officer. He attended law school on an army scholarship, graduated summa cum laude from Indiana University in Bloomington in 2005,

and then served as a JAG attorney for six years, including two tours in Afghanistan. After leaving the army, Paul clerked for Judge Neil M. Gorsuch (now a Justice of the United States Supreme Court) before earning his MBA from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business and going into private practice. Since then, Paul successfully prosecuted Does v. Cooper, a federal lawsuit which struck down much of North Carolina’s previous premises restrictions, and is currently lead counsel for NARSOL’s legal challenge to the North Carolina registration laws, Does v. Stein. Paul serves as NARSOL’s attorney and general counsel.

Hour 1: We will be presenting an introduction and overview of the Scarlet Legal Action Project along with our priorities. Mr. Dubbeling will be joined by NARSOL’s Executive Director Brenda Jones.

Hour 2: The first segment of hour 2 will include an overview of NARSOL's upcoming national conference (October 8-10). For the remainder of the hour, Mr. Dubbeling will be taking questions from the audience related to the Scarlet Legal Action Project (SLAP).

Prize Contest

We plan to award at least one prize during the call. If you would like to enter the drawing, please text Contest to 747 227-4477. We will confirm that you have been entered, and you will receive a contestant number from us. The prize is one free registration to NARSOL’s 2021 Conference, which will be held in Houston. If you have already paid, you may use the prize for 2022, or you may transfer it to another person.


Keep in mind, responses provided on the program are merely intended to offer guidance and should not be construed as legal advice. We cannot cover the specifics of any individual's situation sufficiently to know what the most prudent course of action is, so NARSOL advises all participants to consult with an attorney in their jurisdiction to determine the most prudent course of action.

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