#hairstyle #4c #type4 #hairjourney #styling #weekinmyhair #flexirod #rollerset
🐝b l e s s
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9:13 day nine
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SwirlCurly Snapees Hair ties https://www.swirlycurlyhair.com/products/snappee-hair-ties?aff=241
4c only bonnet
Lovely B's Edge Control https://lovelybs.com/products/lovelybs-edge-control
Africa's Best Textures Ultra Smooth Edges
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✉ thebubsbee@gmail.com (business only)
📷 https://instagram.com/_bubsbee
TikTok https://tiktok.com_bubsbee
🎵 https://soundcloud.com/bubsbee
🐤 https://twitter.com/_bubsbee
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💰 d i s c o u n t s + a f f i l i a t e s ↴
My Amazon Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/_bubsbee
Treluxe (15% Off) use code: bubsbee15 https://discovertreluxe.com/?rl=27
Swirly Curly Snappees (15% Off) use code: BubsBeeCoupon15 http://www.swirlycurlyhair.com?aff=241
NaturAll Club (10% Off) use code : NATURALLBUBSBEE https://www.naturallclub.com?aff=27
KinkyTresses (15% Off) use code: BUBS15 https://www.kinkytresses.com
Kadima Organics http://kadimaobp.com/?ref=thebubsbee
Moisture Love (15% Off) https://moisturelove.com?sca_ref=370685.3aCSegiC1X
WonderCurl (10% Off) use code: BUBSBEE https://www.wondercurl.com
f a q s ↴
Natural? How long? : 7 Years since October 2020 + transitioned for 7 months
Porosity? Low
Texture? Medium, Coarse Strands
Density? High
Type? Curls, Coils, Kinks -- You can say Type 4
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f t c ✿ This video is NOT sponsored however some affiliate links may be present which means I may get a small commission if you decide to purchase through the links provided. I also would like to note that sometimes I receive products for PR purposes as a gift from a brand to use however I feel necessary - all opinions are my own of course.