கால்சியம் | சுண்ணாம்பு சத்து | How to get the right Dietary Calcium | Dr. Dhanasekhar

கால்சியம் | சுண்ணாம்பு சத்து | How to get the right Dietary Calcium | Dr. Dhanasekhar

Calcium - A mineral we all know it is important but we really don't know which all the right sources and how much calcium is essential for the growth and development for any human being.

The only major source we all depend for calcium intake is Milk and Dairy products, however do we get the Recommended dietary allownace of calcium only from milk and dairy ?

What are the other commonly available sources for calcium ?

Is calcium required only for bone health ?

All these questions about calcium answered in this video.

Watch the video now and share it with your friends and family

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calciumbone healthcalcium for bones

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