Recorded 13 September 2021
Speaker: Lisa Diependaele (Policy Officer – European Commission)
Organisation: Mónica Cano Abadía (ELSI Services Officer, BBMRI-ERIC)
For all activities funded by the EU, the ethical dimension is an integral part of research from beginning to end, and ethical compliance is seen as pivotal to achieve real research excellence. Hence, in addition to the scientific evaluation focusing on the scientific merit, the quality of the management, and the potential impact, the Ethics Appraisal ensures that all research activities carried out under Horizon Europe are conducted in compliance with fundamental ethical principles.
This webinar provides an overview of the Ethics Appraisal process for Horizon Europe, the ethics issues that are evaluated during this procedure, and offer general guidance on how to prepare the Ethics-Self-Assessment that has to be included in each application for funding.
Disclaimer: The ethics issues raised by activities proposed in applications submitted under Horizon Europe Calls and Programs must be assessed individually. The guidance offered during this webinar cannot anticipate any outcome of the ethics appraisal for any specific application. It is quite plausible that proposed activities on very similar topics or involving similar techniques are assessed differently, in terms of the ethical issues raised, their seriousness and/or complexity, and how these ought to be addressed. The general guidance offered during this webinar therefore cannot create any new obligations on the European Commission or its Executive Agencies, nor can the European Commission or any person acting on their behalf be made responsible for the use made of it.
Learn more about ethics and biobanking at bbmri-eric.eu