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What if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel?
Firstly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, some people may spend their entire salary just on rent.
Secondly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, many people may get used to the luxurious lifestyle, they may not be able to stay anywhere else.
Thirdly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, many food options are available in 5-Star Hotels, many people may gain weight.
Fourthly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, 5-Star Hotels consume a lot of electricity, entire electrical grid may go down.
Fifthly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, dry cleaning is very expensive in 5-Star Hotels, people may start washing and drying their own clothes.
Lastly, if Everybody lived in a 5-Star Hotel, people who have never been to a 5-Star Hotel will be extremely happy.
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