As the chilling side of the internet grows more with each passing day, browsing for scary videos late at night has never been more terrifying. If you are looking for a case of the chills with just a few minutes to spare, these creepy clips from the darkest corners of the horror milieu are sure to send shivers and chills down your spine in no time flat.
From scary paranormal activities, otherworldly encounters, and eerie happenings, this list of top 10 creepy videos have it all to leave you inexpressibly terrified. These are the scary videos that will make you scream. And frankly, these eerie clips are worth your screams. The entries in this top 10 list have the ability to impose upon your deepest fears. They will rekindle the fright that haunted your past — the things you would most like to avoid even in your worst nightmares may infiltrate the very world you live in. So be warned; if usual creepy videos unnerve you, this list of horrifying happenings is certainly not something you should be watching, no matter how brave you think you are.
Mysteriously scary videos have unsettled just about everyone since the earliest days of the internet. Be it the horrors of the uncanny and the paranormal, or ominous incidents that are still unexplained to this day — I think every one of us has come across some hair-raising creepy videos that gave us nightmares for weeks. This list of top 10 videos contains the best of the best of such clips.
Furthermore, an all out nerve-wracking thing about these scary videos is that they don't stop haunting you no matter how much you get accustomed to the chills they have to offer. Even if you rewatch them again and again, they will still give you chills with each viewing, as if you are watching them for the first time.
If you are wondering how I came across the clips included in this list of top 10 scary videos; well, long story short, when I was younger, a friend of mine and I found a video of a weird, spooky abandoned place. Some people that visited that place claimed there dwells something who can't be seen but can be heard chanting a song that sounds too ancient to be recognizable. Many others claimed that they later revisited the ominous place in their dreams — where everything seemed too real to be a part of just a dream, and they woke up with the foul stench of the place still lingering on their clothes, and sometimes even with a bit of dust from the abandoned place on their skin.
For me, it lit enough curiosity within my heart to tumble right down the rabbit hole of just about everything there is to do with the horror genre. The entries in this collection of top 10 scary videos are some of the best that I have found over the years, immersed in that very rabbit hole. That said, let me forewarn you that these clips are not for the faint of heart.
Done watching? That's splendid! Give yourself a pat on the back!
Which of these scary videos made you jump right out of your skin? Let me know right below in the comments!
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
jdgehlert (pond5.com)
Entry Timestamps:
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