Sixty-fiftieth Order by SOME and RIP 0112.5

Sixty-fiftieth Order by SOME and RIP 0112.5

SOME parts of Political Fire-exposure videos↓

Nheehammer(IPA zero:nʲikʰæmɝ-ɲixæmɝ=ňiXæMɜwR-/IPA first:nʲiqʰæmɝ-ɲiχæmɝ=ňixæMɜwR-) in Next Member of the New World Order Government→Leeyork-Yechmie(IPA:jɛkʲmɨ-jɛçmɨ=yɛȟMɨ-)- in Next Members of the NWO Government→Sickcock Doctrine for Policy of Separated on Japan and Joining on the NWO Government→Balkanists→SOME and Sickcock(IPA:sʲikɑk-ɕikɑk=šikɑk-/Sampling lists→Leeyork, Thorsir, Sirnqe, Hour-Meyorkce etc.) in Mutuality Political Partners→Died on Thunder Reich↓

SOME vs United Nations All Members(10,000,000,000)→New World Order Coldwars Zero in 1 August 2021 21st century - Current↓

Conspiracy words→Conspiracies, Khazar, Reptilians, Cannibalism, Shapeshifters, Taboo, Immortalities, Deep State, Crisis Actors, New World Order, Elections fraud, Stealth Coldwars, New World Order Government in 1 January 2050 21st century, False-flags(Venom-flags), Media venomouts(Press venomouts), Weather weapons etc.↓

Illuminati words→Bilderberg Group-Netherlander and Poles Political Alliance-, Council on Foreign Relations-Harold Pratt Houses=CFR=US Political Group-, Chatham Houses-British Political Group-, Trilateral Commission-TLC=Singaporean Political Group-, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute-Stockholm Political Group or Swedes Political Group-, French Institute on International Relations-French Political Group(L'Institut français des relations internationales-IFRI-)-, Club of Rome-Swiss Political Group-, Society of the Skull and Bones-US Political Group-, Center for Strategic and International Studies-CSIS=US Political Group-, Society of Jesus-Vaticanian Political Group-, New World Order Zionists Organization-Israeli Political Group-, Propaganda Due-P2=Italian Political Group-, German Council on Foreign Relations-German Political Group(Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik-DGAP-)-, Russian International Affairs Council-Russian Political Group(Российский совет по международным делам-РСМД-)- etc.↓

Shooting Times(0th Advised Question:Parentheses of the Hijra calendar systems)⇆00:00:00 - 23:59:59, Friday, 3 September, 2021, 21st century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, Saturday, 4 September, 2021, 21st century(1st English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, al-Jumo'ah, 25 al-Mouhharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, as-Sabt, 26 al-Mouhharram, 1443, 15th century etc./2nd English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, el-Gomo'eh, 25 el-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, es-Sabt, 26 el-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century etc./4th English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, il-Gomo'eh, 25 il-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, is-Sabt, 26 il-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century etc./0th Advised Question:Parentheses of the Hijra calendar systems.)↓

Shared Times(0th Advised Question:Parentheses of the Hijra calendar systems)⇆00:00:00 - 23:59:59, Friday, 3 September, 2021, 21st century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, Saturday, 4 September, 2021, 21st century(1st English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, al-Jumo'ah, 25 al-Mouhharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, as-Sabt, 26 al-Mouhharram, 1443, 15th century etc./2nd English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, el-Gomo'eh, 25 el-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, es-Sabt, 26 el-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century etc./4th English names:00:00:00 - 23:59:59, il-Gomo'eh, 25 il-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century and 00:00:00 - 23:59:59, is-Sabt, 26 il-Mohharram, 1443, 15th century etc./0th Advised Question:Parentheses of the Hijra calendar systems.)↑


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