Inexpensive Amazon Guitars - Are They Worth It? (Mirio 41" Acoustic Guitar Unboxing & Review)

Inexpensive Amazon Guitars - Are They Worth It? (Mirio 41" Acoustic Guitar Unboxing & Review)

hey everyone! 👋

as i've been getting some new viewers/beginners on my channel lately (thank you, by the way! 🥰), i've noticed an increase in some of the same questions/comments:

1️⃣ i don't have a guitar... where can i buy one during the pandemic? 🤔
2️⃣ i wish i could learn guitar, but they're too expensive. 💸
3️⃣ what guitar are you using? do i have to learn on a good guitar? 🎸

these are all fair points and great questions, so i recently started a new series on my channel where i review some inexpensive guitar brands that you can get right from amazon! 🙌

in this video, i'll be unboxing and giving my first impressions on the mirio brand. 💭 they were nice enough to send me one of their beginner guitar kits so i could try it out on camera for all of you! 👍

0:00 introduction
1:02 shipping experience
1:40 guitar unboxing
3:02 first impressions
5:17 guitar specs/quality
7:48 strumming demo
8:18 picking demo
9:08 final thoughts/wrap-up

👉 i think these guitars are suitable for people who are not sure they want to stick to learning guitar and don't want to spend a lot of money
👉 this brand would be good if you have kids/family who have shown interest in guitar, and you want them to get their feet wet before diving in
👉 everything you need as a beginner is all bundled in one single purchase, which is super convenient and can save you time
👉 this particular model is designed with low action for beginners, but can cause buzzing so it will likely need some adjustments upon arrival
👉 yes, there are definitely better guitars out there. the cheap price tag on mirio guitars is noticeable in some ways (like sharper fret wires or an uneven nut) but doesn't affect the playability too much
👉 if you feel comfortable adjusting the truss rod/tightening the tuning pegs/changing out the strings, etc. yourself, this is a great option. otherwise, you could spend half as much as the guitar is worth getting it set up professionally

anyway, i hope this review helps if you've been on the fence about what to do or which guitar to buy! 🙈 these are all my honest opinions and i think a guitar like this would be fine for learning on. 🎶 at the end of the day - nothing beats playing on a guitar yourself and finding the perfect one that you love!! 💕 but until we're able to do that safely again, i hope this helps! 🤗


⭐ if you'd like to check out the mirio brand company and any of their guitars for yourself, make sure to visit their amazon store:

⭐ or you can check out this exact model on amazon using my affiliate link below! using this link helps my channel to grow and allows these videos to remain free for everyone!

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link for this exact guitar:


👚 check out my OFFICIAL MERCH here! 👕


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thanks for watching my unboxing and first impressions, and be sure to leave any questions i didn't answer in the comments! 👇 i'll get back to you as soon as i can. love you guys, and more tutorials coming soon! 🦋


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