I JUST Found a $1,600 Apartment... In Manhattan NYC!

I JUST Found a $1,600 Apartment... In Manhattan NYC!

I Dont Know who the landlord is, but this $1,600 NYC Apartment was an Unexpected Surprise! Plus it came with another $2,000 NYC Apartment that absolutely blew my mind. I guess this is what happens when you expand your nyc real estate agency by hiring smart people like Tonya. If you want to go nyc apartment hunting with her or rent either of these apartments send a text to (516) 256-9422. These affordable nyc apartments wont be around for long because cheap nyc apartments like this 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom are super hard to find.

*Text Tonya at (516) 256-9422 to tour these nyc apartments
*Music By:
*Get The Rentcity Score of Any NYC Apartment: https://bit.ly/3zfDngP

*Measure Apartments With My Laser Tool: https://amzn.to/37VBGtR

*EVERYTHING i use to film & edit my videos:

[Camera] https://amzn.to/3u8N8KK [Lens] https://amzn.to/3jEbrfI
[Handheld Tripod] https://amzn.to/3iUp3Ex
[Full Size Tripod] https://amzn.to/3cp2sty
[Lights] https://amzn.to/3izy3ic Great news!

If you make a purchase on amazon after clicking a link above, the price wont change and my channel earns a small affiliate commission from amazon. Doesn’t even have to be the item you clicked on either.

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