Didn't find time to keep tabs on all the monthly news or was it a bit complicated to read?
Fret not, we've got your back!
SRCC-Wings of Fire presents it's new YouTube series covering the latest edition of its Financial Newsletter "FINOPSIS".
True to our motto #TogetherWeLearn and #SharingisCaring, we are proud to present the major happenings around the globe in a short video and in a manner we all are familiar with!
From HUL entering the ₹6 Trillion club to India's historic performance at Tokyo Olympics 2020...
Be it the Retrospective Taxation or the NIFTY ground-breaking record!!
We got you all covered!
P.S.: Don't miss the Editorial Section!
It's much more than just News...
Check out the detailed insight of the above news only here at https://bit.ly/3ndKl2j
Disclaimer- The research done on news is original work of SRCC-Wings of Fire, any plagiarism reported will be condemned and dealt accordingly. The newsletter is based on information available on public domains which are believed to be reliable, but no independent verification has been made. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are purely for educational purposes and should not be taken as investment advice. Further the facts are subject to change without further notice and SRCC-Wings of Fire is not liable to keep you updated in this regard.
This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners. SRCC-Wings of Fire does not claim any right over them.
00:00 Introduction
00:41 Financial News
01:35 Economic News
02:39 Personal Finance
03:12 Tax and Acts
04:30 Stock Market
05:35 Sports News
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