This is Why Your Bible Study Is Ineffective!

This is Why Your Bible Study Is Ineffective!

If your Bible study seems flat there is probably a missing piece that can bring it back to life. This one thing works regardless of what kind of Bible study you are doing. The one thing is this - obedience!

It is spiritually unhealthy for us to consume mass quantities of Bible study without obedience. It leads to spiritual and biblical obesity and spiritual diabetes. We must exercise our spiritual muscles. When we obey the Bible we will find that our studies get more and more meaningful.

Jesus expected his disciples to be obedient to his teaching. He ends the sermon on the mount with this teaching. He defines a disciple in the great commission as someone who is baptized and obedient to his teaching. Our faith is about more than also involves living aligned with what we believe, in obedience to Jesus!

Once we begin regularly applying what we learn our study will go deeper!

If we don't apply what we learn we will learn to hear God's voice and do nothing with it.

00:00 - Introduction
00:56 - Jesus expects obedience
02:11 - Doing Increases Knowing
03:10 - An Example
05:00 - Watching God Work
05:58 - Bible Classes are Bad Examples
07:24 - Spiritual obesity and diabetes
08:07 - We obey our Father
09:30 - Heart change with action
11:11 - Conclusion

#biblestudy #bible #christianity

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