#Dariapur is a small village, in Contai sub division of Purba Medinipur district. There is a 98 ft tall lighthouse at Dariapur. The lighthouse tower was constructed in 1964. It is open for visitors or tourists , gives an excellent view of the Bay of Bengal covering around 30 km.
#Petuaghat: It is said that this is one of the largest fishing harbours in the country. It is around 15/16 km from #Contai and 175 km from Kolkata. This harbour is named after freedom fighter Deshpran Birendra Sashmal. It is situated at the mouth of the Rasulpur river which flows into the Bay of Bengal. It was established in 2010, jointly funded by Central and State Govt. and inaugurated by the then Governor M.K. Narayanan. As India takes the second position in fish production in the world, this harbour of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal contributes a mentionable part acquiring India's place in world's map.
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